Aron Beekman ベークマン アーロン
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Curriculum Vitae
last update: August 3rd, 2020
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Academic CV
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Research Interests –
Education and Research Positions –
Academic Activities –
Research Grants –
Skills –
Invited seminars –
Conferences & Schools –
Research Interests
Theoretical physics, amongst which:
- spontaneous symmetry breaking, Nambu–Goldstone modes
- vortex–boson / Abelian-Higgs dualities, dual order parameters, quantum liquid crystals
- topological defects, skyrmions, vortices, dislocations
Education and Research Positions
- 2015 – 2020
- Postdoctoral Researcher
Department of Physics, Keio University, Yokohama, Japan
- 2015
- Postdoctoral Researcher
NIMS Advanced Key Technologies Division, Tsukuba, Japan
- 2012 – 2015
- Foreign Postdoctoral Researcher
RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science, Wako, Japan
- 2006 – 2011
- PhD Theoretical Physics
Instituut-Lorentz for theoretical physics,
Leiden University, The Netherlands
thesis: “Vortex duality in Higher Dimensions”
advisor: Jan Zaanen
- 1998 – 2005
- MSc Theoretical Physics
Institute for theoretical physics,
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
thesis: “Quantum double symmetries of the even dihedral groups and their breaking”
advisor: Sander Bais
Academic Activities
- fall 2006
- Teaching Assistant, PhD course Advanced Theory of Condensed Matter by Jan Zaanen
- spring 2007
- Teaching Assistant, MSc course Field Theory by Pierre van Baal
- fall 2007
- Teaching Assistant, MSc course Theory of Condensed Matter by David Santiago
- 2007 – 2011
- PhD council Dutch Research School for Theoretical Physics
- 2012 – 2015
- Organizer RIKEN Interdisciplinary Discovery Evenings
- 2017
- Co-organizer “Topological Science Workshop” Keio University
Research Grants
- 2018 – 2020
- JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists (Grant No. 18K13502)
- Languages
- Dutch (native), English (fluent); Japanese, French, German (intermediate)
- Programming
- proficient in Python, Django, SQL, HTML, CSS, PHP;
familiar with C, C++, ColdFusion, Java, JavaScript, Mathematica, Sage
Invited presentations and seminars
- 2019
- University of Amsterdam, “Institute of Physics seminar”
- 2019
- Leiden University “Lorentz seminar”
- 2019
- Tokyo Institute of Technology, lecture on “Abelian-Higgs dualities”
- 2018
- National Taiwan University, “Workshop on Recent Developments in Chiral Matter and Topology”
- 2018
- University of Tokyo, “International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids”
- 2018
- RIKEN, “STAMP seminar”
- 2018
- Kyoto University, “Topological Materials Science seminar”
- 2018
- Perimeter Institute, “Condensed Matter seminar”
- 2017
- Keio University, “Quantum Community seminar”
- 2017
- ACPTP Pohang, lecture series at “Geometry and Holography for Quantum Criticality”
- 2016
- University of Amsterdam, “Condensed matter lunch seminar”
- 2016
- RIKEN AICS, “Kobe workshop for material design on strongly correlated electron systems”
- 2015
- University of Amsterdam, “Condensed matter lunch seminar”
- 2014
- Center for Correlated Electron Systems, Seoul National University
- 2014
- National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba
- 2012
- RIKEN Interdisciplinary “Discovery Evening”
- 2012
- Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Garching, “Group Seminar MPQ”
- 2012
- University of Amsterdam, “Condensed matter lunch seminar”
- 2012
- Leiden University, Faculty of Science, “This week’s discoveries”
- 2012
- Physics@FOM, Veldhoven
- 2011
- Dutch Research School for Theoretical Physics “PhD Day”
Conferences & Schools
- 2018
- “International Conference on Magnetism -- Strongly Correlated Electron Systems”, San Francisco
- 2017
- “Topological Phases and Functionality of Correlated Electron Systems”, ISSP Kashiwa
- 2016,2017,2019
- JPS Annual Meeting
- 2016
- “StatPhys 26”, Lyon
- 2016,2017
- “Topological Science Symposium”, Keio University
- 2015,2017,2019
- “Topological Material Science” Annual Meeting
- 2015
- “Physics of bulk-edge correspondence & its universality”, Tsukuba University
- 2014
- “International Workshop on Novel Quantum Materials and Phases”, OIST Okinawa
- 2014,2015,2017
- APS March Meeting
- 2014
- “FIRST International Symposium on Topological Quantum Technology”, Tokyo
- 2014,2016,2017
- RIKEN-APW joint workshop “Highlights in condensed matter physics”, Wako, Japan
- 2013
- “Emergent Phenomena of Correlated Materials”, FIRST-QS2C, Tokyo
- 2013
- “Strongly Correlated Electron Systems”, Tokyo
- 2013
- “Emergent Quantum Phases in Condensed Matter”, ISSP Kashiwa
- 2013
- “Theory Forum”, FIRST-QS2C, Wako, Japan
- 2012
- “Innovations in Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems”, ICTP Trieste
- 2012
- “International conference on topological quantum phenomena”, Nagoya University
- 2012
- “Tonomura FIRST International Symposium”, Tokyo
- 2011
- “Science Communicated”, Casimir Research School
- 2011
- “Unconventional Superconductivity”, University of Minnesota
- 2011
- “100th Anniversary of Superconductivity”, Lorentz Center, Leiden University
- 2010
- “3rd UK–NL Condensed Matter Meeting”, Cambridge University
- 2010
- “Gordon Research Conference on Correlated Electron Systems”, Mount Holyoke
- 2009
- “9th Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity”, Tokyo
- 2009
- “Low-D Quantum Condensed Matter”, Center for Mathematical Physics Amsterdam
- 2009
- “Cambridge–Leiden easyMeeting on Quantum Matter”, Leiden University
- 2008
- “25th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics”, Amsterdam
- 2008–2011
- “PhD Day”, Dutch Research School for Theoretical Physics
- 2007
- “50th anniversary of BCS: From BCS to Exotic Superconductivity”, I2CAM, Cargèse
- 2007,2009,2011
- “Trends in Theory”, Dutch Research School for Theoretical Physics
- 2007–2012
- FOM Physics@Veldhoven
- 2006
- “Quantum Criticality”, Lorentz Center, Leiden University
- 2006,2007
- “Postgraduate School SP–TCM”, Dutch Research School for Theoretical Physics
- 2006,2008
- “Spring School”, Casimir Research School
My papers on:
arXiv •
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- Theory of generalized Josephson effects
A.J. Beekman, PTEP 2020, 073B09 (2020), arXiv:1907.13284
- Stability and absence of a Tower of States in ferrimagnets
L. Rademaker, A.J. Beekman, J. van Wezel, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 013304 (2020), arXiv:1909.11381
- An introduction to spontaneous symmetry breaking
A.J. Beekman, L. Rademaker, J. van Wezel, SciPost Phys. Lect. Notes 11 (2019), arXiv:1909.01820
- Charged and neutral fixed points in the O(N)+O(N)-model with Abelian gauge fields
A.J. Beekman, G. Fejos, Phys. Rev. D, 100, 016005 (2019),
- Dual gauge field theory of quantum liquid crystals in three dimensions
A.J. Beekman, J. Nissinen, K. Wu, J. Zaanen, Phys. Rev. B 96, 165115 (2017) (Editors' suggestion),
- Dual gauge field theory of quantum liquid crystals in two dimensions
A.J. Beekman, J. Nissinen, K. Wu, K. Liu, R.-J. Slager, Z. Nussinov, V. Cvetkovic, J. Zaanen,
Phys. Rep. 683, 1–110 (2017),
- Criteria for the absence of quantum fluctuations after spontaneous symmetry breaking
A.J. Beekman,
Ann. Phys. 361, 461–489 (2015),
- Photodrive of magnetic bubbles via magnetoelastic waves
N. Ogawa, W. Koshibae, A.J. Beekman, N. Nagaosa, M. Kubota, M. Kawasaki, Y. Tokura,
PNAS 112(29), 8977–8981 (2015)
- Theory of magnon-skyrmion scattering in chiral magnets
J. Iwasaki, A.J. Beekman and N. Nagaosa,
Phys. Rev. B 89, 064412 (2014),
- Deconfining the rotational Goldstone mode: the superconducting nematic liquid crystal in 2+1D
A.J. Beekman, K. Wu, V. Cvetkovic and J. Zaanen,
Phys. Rev. B 88, 024121 (2013),
- Type-II Bose-Mott insulators
A.J. Beekman and J. Zaanen,
Phys. Rev. B 86, 125129 (2012) (Editors' suggestion),
- The emergence of gauge invariance: the stay-at-home gauge versus local–global duality
J. Zaanen and A.J. Beekman,
Annals of Physics 327(4):1146–1161 (2012), arXiv:1108.2791
- Electrodynamics of Abrikosov vortices: the field theoretical formulation
A.J. Beekman and J. Zaanen,
Frontiers of Physics 6(4):357–369 (2011), arXiv:1106.3946
- Condensing Nielsen-Olesen strings and the vortex-boson duality in 3+1 and higher dimensions
A.J. Beekman, D. Sadri and J. Zaanen,
New J Phys 13:033004 (2011), arXiv:1006.2267